Pentridge Village Fete 2014

We are looking forward to the 2014 Village Fete in Pentridge, to be held on Saturday August 30th at 2pm.


Fun Dog Show – Waggiest Tail, Best Trick & more
Wood Turning Demonstrations
Flower Arranging Workshop and Competition
Magic Trick Workshop
Paper Aeroplane Competition
Egg Throwing Tournament
Teas, Cake and Ice Creams in the Village Hall


Cakes, Jams and Garden Produce
Coconut Shy
Bottle Tombola
Childrens Tombola
Childrens Biscuit Icing
Pimms and Beer

Entrance: Adults 50p, Children Free

Pentridge Village Fete 2014

Funds raised from the Pentridge Fete will be donated to St Rumbold’s Church, Pentridge, Dorset.

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