Walks, Footpaths & Bridleways around Pentridge

Pentridge and the surrounding areas have many favoured routes for walkers such as the Down, Ditch and Dyke walk which incorporates Cross Grim’s Ditch, Bokerley Dyke on to the nature reserve of Martin Down.

Click on the Maps to view large versions displaying local footpaths and bridleways.

Planned walk by Dorset Life Magazine:
Walking conditions along this seven-mile circuit are excellent. Although it is on high ground, there are only gentle slopes to contend with. The route comprises well-marked tracks and lanes, with few gates and stiles. Park and start in the village street in Pentridge, which is reached……….. ‘Read More on the Dorset Life Website’ (opens in a new window)

Planned walk by the AA website:
From the lay-by walk past the turning up to the church and cross the stile on the left by the footpath sign. Head up the field to a stile, and cross it to enter a narrow footpath. This leads between hedges, straight up the 610ft (185m) Pentridge Hill………. ‘Read More on the AA website’ (opens in a new window)