Committees – Pentridge Village Hall

We are very lucky here in Pentridge, we have not one but 2 committees dedicated to the running of the Village Hall.

Village Hall Committee

Our Village Hall Committee meet regularly to discuss upkeep, maintenance and funding for Pentridge Village Hall. They also liaise regularly with the Events Team.

Chair: Tarka King Email:

Vice-Chair: Richard Pollen Email:

Treasurer: Colin Taylor Tel: 01725 553148

Secretary: Jane Henry

Hall Bookings: Graham Elford Tel: 07882 264160


Jessica Winby

Maureen Swan

Sarah Nicholls

Events & Fundraising Committee

The Events Team plan and market fundraising and community events to take place at Pentridge Village Hall and the surrounding area. They are responsible for looking after this website too. Get in touch with the team:

Crissi Burnell

Graham Elford

Emily Elford

Sarah Nicholls

Ian Nicholls

Maureen Swan

Shelley Martin

Tansy Tier

Eddy Tier

Events and Classes at Pentridge Village Hall East Dorset