Charity Clothes Swap

Venue: Pentridge Village Hall

Date and Time: 14th November 10-12 noon

Free Entry

Tea and Cake



How does it work?

  • Go through your wardrobes and bring all your good quality clean unwanted clothes (no holes or marks please) to village hall on 12th or 13th November or ring Penny on 07753 747169 if you would like them picked up. Children and adults clothes please!
  • Come along on 14th November at 10am with your empty bags and have fun filling them with as many clothes as you would like.
  • Make a donation as you leave (suggested donation of £10-£20 per bag).

Childrens Chance Charity Clothes Swap DorsetCharity clothes swaps are based on goodwill and trust – In aid of Childrens Chance & Pentridge Village Hall

Email: for more info


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